I spent the majority of my life working to get the “perfect” build.
That build of athleticism and muscle mass to allow me to play linebacker in the NFL. I got myself to that place of “perfect health”, where I did just that… I was 235 pounds, 9% body fat, could dunk a basketball with two hands standing directly under the rim, and was one of the best athletes on the football field… But once my career in the NFL abruptly came to an end due to a neck condition that doctors said “could have paralyzed me”, I had a massive epiphany.
At that time, I thought that “being healthy” was all about having as much lean muscle, with as little fat as possible.
I thought that how I looked in the mirror was a direct reflection of how “healthy” I was.
Despite me being an extremely low body fat percentage and stacked full of muscle, when I was not working out I was tired; I had to take naps all the time. I also had bad gas 24/7, was chronically bloated, frequently had heartburn after meals, and became obsessive over my eating schedule. My joints always ached and I suffered from a lot of anxiety.
That’s when it hit me… Even though I reached my full “physical potential”, I was not ACTUALLY healthy where it counted… on the inside.
That’s when this college finance major turned into a complete internal health nut…
I studied book after book researching what it takes to be healthy on the inside. I did 6-8 hour days, obsessively learning what it took to truly be healthy.
BOOM! The first prototype of the Total Body Reset program was formed.
I tested multiple methods on myself working to be as internally healthy as possible. Eventually my excessive gas went away, the heart burn disappeared, and bloating became nearly non existent.
I developed ALL DAY, steady energy (without caffeine), my sleep MASSIVELY improved, my joints quit hurting, and my overall quality of life went through the roof!!
After a few months of further revision, I tested the product on multiple people. They got similar results.
Now, 2 years later, I have finally decided to reveal to the public the program that has helped over 100 people overcome their chronic fatigue, digestive issues, negative relationship with food, and FINALLY get the health they deserve.